Gross Debt Service Ratio (GDSR)
GDSR represents the portion of your income that goes toward housing costs, including mortgage payments, property taxes, and heating. It's a guideline to help you understand what portion of your income can reasonably be allocated to home-related expenses. With a down payment of less than 20% of purchase price, your GDSR cannot be greater than 39% when stress tested. With a down payment over 20%, lenders can cap your GDSR at 35%.
Total Debt Service Ratio (TDSR)
TDSR considers all your debts, such as credit card and loan payments, in addition to your housing costs. It provides a broader view of how much of your income goes toward all monthly debts, helping ensure your finances are balanced and sustainable. With a down payment of less than 20% of purchase price, your TDSR cannot be greater than 44% when stress tested. With a down payment over 20%, lenders can cap your GDSR at 42%.
This mortgage calculator is designed for educational purposes only. All results and illustrations are provided solely to give an overview and are not intended to project the actual performance of any specific financial product or portfolio. Results should not be considered as a definitive indication of your financial needs. For personalized advice, please contact an advisor to book a meeting. Calculations may not include advisory fees, brokerage costs, or other potential expenses that could impact actual results.